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Fisher School Technology


Fisher School District Goes 1:1 with Technology


The Fisher Public Schools has always been dedicated to providing technology tools and resources to our 21st Century Learner. Student learning comes alive through innovative use of technology integrated into learning environments across our district.  This school year all students Kindergarten – 12th grade will have a 1:1 device.  Elementary students will find iPads waiting in their classrooms, to use daily in school, when they arrive for the 2014-15 school term.  We are currently awaiting the arrival of HP Probook laptops for deployment to all 7-12 grades students the first month of school.  These laptops will be available for student use in and out of the school building.


Student engagement is elevated when learning is customized through the use of technology in the classroom. Engaging students in a digital learning experience allows students to see and interact with content in a variety of ways.

With the implementation of laptops in the high school our students will have Learning Anytime, Anywhere.

When learning is digitized and made available online, students are able to access classroom content and lectures, collaborate with peers, complete projects, and participate in authentic discussions—all at their fingertips. Learning opportunities expand beyond the brick-and-mortar classroom and open the door to alternative learning environments including classes taught completely online, blended or hybrid classes with a mix of in-class and online experiences, and effective online interventions, supports and extensions to provide a wide array of educational services that meet student needs.


The Fisher School District continues with our implementation of “Google Apps for Education” for students, teachers, and administrative staff. All students have accounts allowing for their documents and presentations to be stored online and accessible from home, school, and anywhere there is an Internet connection.  Students, Teachers, and Administrative Staff will have access to Google Calendar, Google Docs, and Google Sites. In addition, Fisher Public Schools has created email accounts for all students in grades 7 -12 to allow for collaborative sharing using Google Apps for Education.


All forms must be completed yearly - (Acceptable Use Policy and Signature Form,Student/Parent and Guardian Pledge for device Use,  and Free and Reduced form if you wish) must be signed and turned in along with Technology User Free paid (the forms are also available below for download).  


An annual Technology fee will be assessed to all students grades K – 12


Computer & Software Fee (K-12)    $40.00/student  $120.00/family

Reduced                                            $35.00/student  $105.00/family

Free                                                   $30.00/student  $90.00/family


1:1 Device Implementation August 2016


Policy 524 Internet Acceptable Use




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